Abstract Submission
Sample Abstract Template

Submission Guidelines
- Abstracts should be in A4 size portrait layout.
- The Title of the Abstract should be as concise as possible and should appear in bold, lower case and centred.
- Co-authors and affiliations below the title in italics (the Presenting author’s name should be Bold with an asterisk (*).
- Abstract must be written in English and content should have a maximum of 200-300 words.
- Main body of text to be left aligned & Single spacing throughout the content.
- Abstracts should be uploaded or sent in MS Word or PDF attachment through conference mail id or you can submit it here.
- Please include your full address and contact details of the main author in the email and indicate whether you are submitting an Oral or Poster Presentation.
- Our Conference Co-ordinator will get in touch with you after receiving your abstract.
- All Submitted Abstracts will go through a peer review process carried out by a peer review committee. After successful review of your abstract, we will guide you for further steps towards your presence at our event.